Traumatic Emergency Care

The VPhA CE Program on Traumatic Emergency Care at Bleu Restaurant yesterday was a great success.

We thank Dr. Clifford Young for delivering a fantastic presentation with live demonstration of the five moves in the MARCH protocol.

Dr. Transon Nguyen was a most cooperative volunteer on the demo table. There were many questions and comments from the audience, with some pharmacists working in Northern California who have moved down South.

We thank CPhA organizers of the ACPE program, Dr. Clifford Young for his great initiative to engage members of VPhA-USA, Beatrice and Lan Tran for calling on pharmacists, Jenee Vo and Tuong-Anh Bui at the registration table, Mary Ngo for the photos, and Kim Anh Bui forauthorizing the brunch after the CE event.

VPhA-USA would like to provide more events in the future, to engage many more members.